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- Klatrefører Mallorca

Klatrefører for Mallorca. Øya er veletablert klatredestinasjon og er også stedet med Europas beste ruter for soloering over vann. Boka dekker 34 klatrefelt, hvor 8 enten er helt nye eller har helt nye sektorer siden forrige utgave i 2011.
The Mediterranean island of Mallorca is now well-known as a sport climbing destination and has also established itself as the home of Europe’s best deep water soloing.
The main guidebook to the climbing on the island for the last 20 years has been published by Rockfax and this new edition adds to this legacy with another blockbusting volume for the sun-seeking climber.
The sport section now covers 34 crags spread from Cap Formentor to Puig de Garrafa, and from Port de Sóller to Tijuana. There are 8 crags that are either completely new, or have major new sectors developed, since the 2011 edition of the Rockfax. The DWS section adds to the 2011 edition with 4 new crags plus many updates, changes and new crag photos.
Utgitt januar 2016.
Can Ortigues, La Valle Verde, Cala Llamp, C’an Formiga, Puig de Garrafa, Santa Ponça, Galilea, Ca’s Catatà, Sa Cantera, Penyal d’es Grau, Es Verger, S’estret, Valldemossa, Sa Gubia, Fraguel, Port de Sóller, C’an Nyic, Gorge Blau, Es Queixal, Alaró, Caimari, Grau des Ruc, La Creveta, El Fumat, Xon Xanquete, Puig St. Marti, El Calo de Betlem, Ermita de Betlem, Son Servera, Felanitx, Sa Mola de Felantix, Cala Magraner, Torre d’en Beu, Tijuana Deep Water Soloing - Cova del Diablo, Porto Cristo, Porto Cristo Novo, Cala Barques, Cova des Burador, Porto Colom, Cala Marcal, Cala Brafia, Cala Estreta, Cala Sa Nau, Cala Mitjana, Cala Serena, Santanyi, Cala Llombards, Port de Sóller, Sa Calobra, Porto Pi
Klatrefører Mallorca
Sportsklatring og soloering over dypt vann
Kr 449,-
Klatrefører for Mallorca. Øya er veletablert klatredestinasjon og er også stedet med Europas beste ruter for soloering over vann. Boka dekker 34 klatrefelt, hvor 8 enten er helt nye eller har helt nye sektorer siden forrige utgave i 2011.
The Mediterranean island of Mallorca is now well-known as a sport climbing destination and has also established itself as the home of Europe’s best deep water soloing.
The main guidebook to the climbing on the island for the last 20 years has been published by Rockfax and this new edition adds to this legacy with another blockbusting volume for the sun-seeking climber.
The sport section now covers 34 crags spread from Cap Formentor to Puig de Garrafa, and from Port de Sóller to Tijuana. There are 8 crags that are either completely new, or have major new sectors developed, since the 2011 edition of the Rockfax. The DWS section adds to the 2011 edition with 4 new crags plus many updates, changes and new crag photos.
Utgitt januar 2016.
Can Ortigues, La Valle Verde, Cala Llamp, C’an Formiga, Puig de Garrafa, Santa Ponça, Galilea, Ca’s Catatà, Sa Cantera, Penyal d’es Grau, Es Verger, S’estret, Valldemossa, Sa Gubia, Fraguel, Port de Sóller, C’an Nyic, Gorge Blau, Es Queixal, Alaró, Caimari, Grau des Ruc, La Creveta, El Fumat, Xon Xanquete, Puig St. Marti, El Calo de Betlem, Ermita de Betlem, Son Servera, Felanitx, Sa Mola de Felantix, Cala Magraner, Torre d’en Beu, Tijuana Deep Water Soloing - Cova del Diablo, Porto Cristo, Porto Cristo Novo, Cala Barques, Cova des Burador, Porto Colom, Cala Marcal, Cala Brafia, Cala Estreta, Cala Sa Nau, Cala Mitjana, Cala Serena, Santanyi, Cala Llombards, Port de Sóller, Sa Calobra, Porto Pi